Physical Therapy Virginia Beach
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Modern Manual Therapy- The Eclectic Approach to UQ and LQ Assessment and Treatment
Enhance your existing toolbox with an evidence-based framework for assessment and treatment.
Have you been wanting to expand your knowledge by learning a comprehensive assessment and treatment protocol to upper quarter pain and dysfunction? If so, this course will provide you the assessment and treatment tools for working with the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine as well as the shoulder, elbow, wrists, hip, knee, and ankle.
A comprehensive movement screen and repeated motions will be used as evaluation tools. Home exercises for patients will be covered as there is an emphasis on patient education and self treatment.
The course will cover:
The principles of Eval, Reset, and Stabilize
Movement Screen and Repeated Motions based evaluation
Neurodynamic testing median, radial, ulnar nerves and sciatic and femoral nerves
Thrust manipulation of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage (IASTM) with the EDGE Tool
Neurodynamic treatment
Functional mobilization of the hip, knee, and ankle
Home exercises, repeated motions based resets and using the EDGE Mobility Bands
An emphasis on patient education and self treatment
Physical therapists, student physical therapists, medical doctors, and osteopaths.
Target Audience
(16 CEUs) ​
This course is an introduction incorporates movement assessment via a Repeated Motions exam and a comprehensive Movement Screen. The course emphasis is on Modern Manual Therapy, Pain Science Education and patient self-treatment. Treatment includes use of the EDGE Mobility Tool and EDGE Mobility Bands for Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation, Spinal Manipulation and Mobilization, and Neurodynamics to promote movement and decrease pain. Clinical Practice Patterns of movement dysfunction will be taught for assessment and treatment. The course is 30% lecture and 70% lab.
Upon successful completion of this course the participant will:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of modern manual therapy with neurophysiologic mechanisms
2. Will be able to evaluate and treat common movement pattern dysfunctions in both the upper and lower quadrants of the body
3. Use traditional soft tissue manipulation, functional release, compression wrapping and instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, joint manipulation and other orthopaedic manual therapy treatments to increase the compliance of patient HEP
4. Understand the indications and contraindications to IASTM, spinal manipulation, neurodynamics
5. Be able to prescribe patient self-treatment with mode and patient education
6. Be able to give the patient informed consent for treatment
7. Use a Movement Screen and a Repeated Motions Exam for Test and Re-Test of the Patient’s
About the Instructor
Dr. Erson Religioso III, DPT, MS, MTC, CertMDT, CFC, CertMST, CNPT, FAAOMPT, is a fellowship trained cash based PT practice owner, entrepreneur, blogger, and sought after lecturer in the topic of Modern Manual Therapy. He graduated with a dual BS, MS in PT from D'Youville College in 1998 and DPT with MTC from University of St. Augustine in 1999.
He has a #CashPT Practice in the Buffalo, NY area, EDGE Rehab and Sport Science, where he specializes in TMD, headaches, spinal care, runners, gymnasts, and chronic pain. His focus is seeing the patient as little as possible, and empowering them with education, self assessment and treatment strategies.
Erson has been PT faculty of local Buffalo PT Schools, including D'Youville College, Daemen College, and SUNY Buffalo.
He also developed a line of manual therapy, mobility, fitness, strength, and rehab products along with pain science education materials at EDGE Mobility System.
Modern Manual Therapy - The Eclectic Approach is Dr. Religioso’s line of seminars for clinicians that are taught online and in live venues around the world. The Eclectic Approach started with Modern Manual Therapy, and has expanded to include Modern Strength Training, and Modern Patient Education.
Dr. E is now offering his services as both an online clinical mentor to clinicians at Modern Rehab Mastery, traveling OMPT Fellowship mentor, online patient consultations, and online business and social media consultation, #CashPT start up with LeBauer Consulting. He also has a popular podcast, Untold Physio Stories.
Erson is a family man, married to the best woman in the world, and currently has 6 beautiful children. He enjoys running with them, watching them in competitive gymnastics and watching Disney/Pixar movies. He is also a huge tech geek and loves all things Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek. If you see Dr. E out and about, or at a seminar, ask him to grab a beer or coffee and talk about shop or anything!